Monday, October 12, 2009

art and propaganda.

i'm stealing this topic from john mark mcmillan. he asked "what is the difference between art and propaganda?" one person answered "motive." my answer was "art is personal expression. propaganda uses art to persuade those experiencing it to adopt the ideals and thoughts of the artist or the person who commissioned the art."

as i hit the submit button i was struck by the profoundness of this statement in regards to songwriting, especially for worship. i must be careful to write songs that don't attempt to convince those of God's glory, but rather express the glory i have personally experienced. i don't need to (and i shouldn't) try to persuade that God's grace is sufficient. it is more important that i simply express the grace i have experienced.

i have known this for a long time, but at this moment i am experiencing great clarity in regards to it.

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